
Mills, K.R., ET. Al (2015). National Standards Report, National Autism Center

Mills, K. (2015) Advisory Group Member and Contributor to Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit
Web-Based Tool.

Mills, K.R. (2007). Tools for promoting education success and reducing delinquency, National Center on Education, Juvenile Justice and Disability, Step 7, 1-331

Mills, K.R., ET. Al (2017)
Using Research to Affect Systematic Policy Change at the Local, State and National Levels.
AUCD Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Mills, K., Smith, C. & Zarcone, J. (2017)
Person Centered Behavioral Supports Towards Employment Support of People With Disabilities in The U.S. Virgin Islands.
ABAI 9th Annual International Conference, Paris, France.

Mills, K. & Smith, C. (2016)
Person Centered Behavioral Supports Towards Employment Support of People With Disabilities in The U.S. Virgin Islands.
AUCD Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Mills, K. (2016)
Keeping Young People In Schools and Out of Prisons: Halting The School To Prison Pipeline.
Invited Speaker at the 2016 Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations in Port Au Prince, Haiti.

Mills, K. R. & Habtes, Y. (2016)
Theory Into Practice: Cultural Considerations when Delivering Applied Behavior Analytic and Other Best Practice Services to Diverse Populations of Students with Autism.
Breakout Session Presented at the Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Mills, K. (2016)
Assessing the Immediate and Longterm Effectiveness of an Intensive Training Program for Head Start Early Intervention Teachers and Other Educational Professionals.
Poster Presented at the Pacific Rim Conference on Disability and Diversity in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Mills, K. & Brown, K. H. (2015)
Assessing the Immediate and Longterm Effectiveness of an Intensive Training Program for Head Start Early Intervention Teachers and Other Educational Professionals.
AUCD National Conference in Washington, D.C.
Research Poster

Ward, K., Feinstein, C., Ahrens, Brooks, B., & Mills, K. (2015)
Introduction to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Home and Community Based Service System.
A concurrent session presented at the AUCD National Conference in Washington, D.C. 

Dinora, P., Mills, K., Roberts, K. & Shane, N (2015)
Changing definitions of home and community-based services: A baseline assessment of the quality of services and the impact of quality of life for intellectually and developmentally disabled populations.
A paper that was to be presented at the American Evaluators Association conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Workshop Abstract

Mills, K (2015)
Theory Into Practice: Cultural Considerations When Delivering Applied Behavior Analytic Services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations of Students with ASD and Other Disabilities.
Paper presented at the Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Eighth International Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
Workshop Abstract

Mills, K.R., ET. Al (2015)
National Standards Report

Mills, K.R. (2007)
Tools for promoting education success and reducing delinquency, National Center on Education, Juvenile Justice and Disability, Step 7, 1-331